Cymatics is the science of visualizing audio frequencies. Thanks to some very interesting experiments and their filming by this duo, Nigel Stanford and Shahir Daud, you can enjoy this truly audio-visual experience.
For example in one of the experiments called Ruben's Tube, a metal tube is filled with an inflammable gas. Different audio frequencies form pressure waves in this gas, so if you play different tones, you will get different numbers and heights of flames.
The tube is attached to a speaker, so the synchronized visual looks like a "Performance by the Flames".
You could watch this performance at :
For example in one of the experiments called Ruben's Tube, a metal tube is filled with an inflammable gas. Different audio frequencies form pressure waves in this gas, so if you play different tones, you will get different numbers and heights of flames.
The tube is attached to a speaker, so the synchronized visual looks like a "Performance by the Flames".
You could watch this performance at :